18take away
15walk off with
- take away :remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state; transport into a new location or state
- Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands ሕልምታቶም ንሮማንቲክስ ተሰኪሙ ናብ ርሑቕ ሃገራት ኣምሪሑ
- The car carried us off to the meeting እታ መኪና ተሰኪማና ናብ ኣኼባ ከደት
- I'll take you away on a holiday በዓል ክወስደካ እየ
- I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry እቲ ዝሞተ ሰብኣይ ምስ ረኣኹ ተሰኪመ ክበኪ ጀመርኩ
- take away :remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
- remove a threat ሓደጋ ኣውጽእ
- remove a wrapper መጠቕለሊ ኣውጽእ
- Remove the dirty dishes from the table ረሳሕ ሳእኒ ካብ ጠረጴዛ ኣውጽእ
- take the gun from your pocket ሽጉጥ ካብ ጁባኻ ውሰድ
- This machine withdraws heat from the environment እዛ ማሽን ካብ ከባቢ ሙቐት ትስሕብ
- take away :take out or remove
- take out the chicken after adding the vegetables ኣሕምልቲ ምስ ምውሳኽ ደርሆ ኣውጽእዎ።
- take away :take from a person or place
- We took the abused child away from its parents ነቲ ዝተበደለ ቆልዓ ካብ ወለዱ ኣርሒቕናዮ
Similar Words
- ተቐበለ
- መርሓባ
- ንኪኣቱ ፈቐደ
- ረኣየ
- ኣልዓለ
- ዘየገ
- ናብ ካልእ ሃገር ኣእተወ ወይ ካብ ካልእ ሃገር ኣምጽአ
- ተለቀሐ
- ንሓደ ዘይውላዱ ከም ውላዱ ተቐበለ
- ተገልገለ
- ኣጽደቐ
- ተቐበለ
- ተጠቕመ
- ተኸተለ
- ኣልዓለ
- ሓዘ
- ማረኸ
- ተጠቐመ
- ኣብጽሐ
- ተበለጸ
- ተቐበለ
- ተማልአ
- ሰረቐ
- ገመተ
- ብቑዕ
- ዝሰማማዕ
- መንዘዐ
- መንጠለ
- ራሰየ
- ምቹእ
- መደ'በ
- ገበተ
- ቅኑዕ
- መርሐ
- ዓረር
- ሓበረ
- ንርሳስ ዝኸውን ዓይነት እምኒ
- ግራፋይት
- ቀደመ
- ኣካየደ
- ኣብነት ኮነ
- ኣሕለፈ
- ገዝአ
- ኣጉደለ
- ዓደገ
- ጸንበረ
- ነከየ
- ኣጠቓለለ
- ተረድአ
- ተጠቕመ
- ረኣየ
Opposite Words
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