- unquiet :characterized by unrest or disorder
- unquiet days of riots ዘይርጉእ መዓልታት ናዕቢ
- following the assassination of Martin Luter King ours was an unquiet nation ድሕሪ ቅትለት ማርቲን ሉተር ኪንግ ናትና ህድኣት ዘይብሉ ህዝቢ እዩ ነይሩ
- spent an unquiet night tossing and turning ዘይተረጋግአ ለይቲ እናተወዛወዘን እናተጠውየን ኣሕሊፍናዮ
- unquiet :causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
- spent an anxious night waiting for the test results ውጽኢት መርመራ እናተጸበየት ጭንቀት ዝመልኦ ለይቲ ኣሕለፈት
- cast anxious glances behind her ብድሕሪኣ ጭንቀት ዝመልኦ ቁሊሕታታት ደርበየት
- those nervous moments before takeoff እተን ቅድሚ ምብጋሳ ዝነበራ ናይ ስንባደ ህሞታት
- an unquiet mind ዘይህድኣት ኣእምሮ
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