English - Tigrinya


  • unfold :develop or come to a promising stage
    • Youth blossomed into maturity መንእሰይ ናብ ብስለት ዓምበበ

    • unfold :open to the view
      • A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings ብእግሪ ከተማ ምዝዋር ብዙሓት መሳጢ ህንጻታት ክገልጽ እዩ።

      • unfold :extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length
        • Unfold the newspaper ጋዜጣ ገፊሕካ
        • stretch out that piece of cloth ነታ ቁራጽ ጨርቂ ዘርጊሕካ
        • extend the TV antenna ኣንቴና ቲቪ ኣንውሕ

        • unfold :spread out or open from a closed or folded state
          • open the map ካርታ ክፈት
          • spread your arms ቅልጽምካ ዘርጊሕካ

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