- slender :being of delicate or slender build
- she was slender as a willow shoot is slender she was slender as a willow shoot is slender
- a slim girl with straight blonde hair ትኽ ዝበለ ጸሊም ጸጉሪ ዘለዋ ቀጢን ጓል
- watched her slight figure cross the street ቀጢን ቅርጻ ንጐደና ክትሰግር ትዕዘብ ነበረት።
- slender :very narrow
- a thin line across the page ኣብ ስግር እቲ ገጽ ቀጢን መስመር
- slender :having little width in proportion to the length or height
- a slender pole ቀጢን ዓንዲ
- slender :small in quantity
- slender wages ቀጢን ደሞዝ
- a slim chance of winning ቀጢን ዕድል ናይ ምዕዋት
- a small surplus ንእሽቶ ትርፊ
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