24ምዕዳግ m'ëdag
14ምግዛእ mgza'è
14ዝተዓደገ ነገር zte'ädege neger
13ጨቢጥካ ዓትዒትካ ምሓዝ čebiẗka 'ät'ïtka mḧaz
- purchase :the acquisition of something for payment
- they closed the purchase with a handshake ነቲ ዕድጊ ብኢድ ምጭብባጥ ዓጸውዎ።
- purchase :obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction
- The family purchased a new car እታ ስድራቤት ሓዳስ መኪና ገዚኣ
- The conglomerate acquired a new company እቲ ኮንግሎሜሬት ሓድሽ ትካል ኣጥሪዩ
- She buys for the big department store ንዓቢ ዲፓርትመንት ስቶር ትገዝእ
- purchase :a means of exerting influence or gaining advantage
- he could get no purchase on the situation ኣብቲ ኩነታት ዝኾነ ዕድጊ ክረክብ ኣይከኣለን
- purchase :something acquired by purchase
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