14ወደብ ዘለዋ ከተማ wedeb zelewa ketema
13ወደብ wedeb
12መዕቆቢ ቦታ ጸግዒ me'ëqobi bota xeg'ï
12ኣብ መርከብ ንመጽዓንን መራገፍን ዘሎ መእተዊ 'ab merkeb nmex'änn meragefn zelo me'ètewi
- port :put or turn on the left side, of a ship
- port the helm ወደብ ናይቲ መሪሕነት
- port :bring to port
- the captain ported the ship at night እቲ ካፕቴን ነታ መርከብ ብለይቲ ይሰግራ ነበረ።
- port :land at or reach a port
- The ship finally ported ኣብ መወዳእታ እታ መርከብ ተሰጋገረት
- port :turn or go to the port or left side, of a ship
- The big ship was slowly porting እታ ዓባይ መርከብ ቀስ ኢላ ትሰጋገር ነበረት።
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