- over :having come or been brought to a conclusion
- the harvesting was complete እቲ ቀውዒ ተዛዚሙ
- the affair is over, ended, finished እቲ ጉዳይ ተወዲኡ፣ ተዛዚሙ፣ ተዛዚሙ
- the abruptly terminated interview እቲ ብሃንደበት ዝተቛረጸ ቃለ መሕትት።
- over :at or to a point across intervening space etc.
- come over and see us some time ንዑ ገለ ግዜ ርኣዩና
- over there ኣብኡ
- over :throughout an area
- he is known the world over ኣብ መላእ ዓለም ይፍለጥ
- over :throughout a period of time
- stay over the weekend ኣብ መወዳእታ ሰሙን ምጽናሕ
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