English - Tigrinya


  • nearly :(of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but
    • the job is (just) about done እቲ ስራሕ (በቃ) ዳርጋ ተዛዚሙ
    • the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded እቲ ህጻን ዳርጋ ደቂሱ ነበረ ኣላርም ምስ ተሰምዐ
    • we're almost finished ዳርጋ ወዲእና ኣለና
    • the car all but ran her down እታ መኪና ኩሉ ግን ንቑልቁል ኣጉየየታ
    • he nearly fainted ዳርጋ ምሕንካስ
    • talked for nigh onto 2 hours ንዳርጋ 2 ሰዓታት ተዛሪቡ
    • the recording is well-nigh perfect እቲ ቅዳሕ ጽቡቕ ጌሩ ቀሪቡ ኣሎ። perfect
    • virtually all the parties signed the contract ዳርጋ ኩሎም ወገናት ነቲ ውዕል ፈሪሞም
    • I was near exhausted by the run ብጉያ ዳርጋ ተደኺመ ነይረ
    • most everyone agrees መብዛሕትኡ ኩሉ ሰብ ይሰማማዕ

    • nearly :in a close manner
      • the two phenomena are intimately connected እቶም ክልተ ተርእዮታት ብቐረባ ዝተኣሳሰሩ እዮም
      • the person most nearly concerned እቲ ዝያዳ ዝምልከቶ ሰብ

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