English - Tigrinya


  • moon :the natural satellite of the Earth
    • the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers ማእከላይ ርሕቀት ናብ ወርሒ 384,400 ኪሎሜተር እዩ
    • men first stepped on the moon in 1969 ደቂ ተባዕትዮ ንመጀመርያ ግዜ ኣብ ወርሒ ረጊጾም ኣብ 1969 እዩ።

    • moon :have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake
      • She looked out the window, daydreaming ቀትሪ እናሓለመት ብመስኮት ጠመተት።

      • moon :any object resembling a moon
        • he made a moon lamp that he used as a night light ከም ናይ ለይቲ መብራህቲ ዝጥቀመሉ ዝነበረ ናይ ወርሒ መብራህቲ ሰሪሑ
        • the clock had a moon that showed various phases እታ ሰዓት ዝተፈላለየ ምዕራፋት ዘርኢ ወርሒ ነይርዋ

        • moon :expose one's buttocks to
          • moon the audience ወርሒ ንተዓዘብቲ

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