English - Tigrinya


  • modest :marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself
    • a modest apartment a modest apartment
    • too modest to wear his medals ኣዝዩ ልክዕ ዝኾነ መዳልያታቱ ክለብስ ዘይክእል

    • modest :not large but sufficient in size or amount
      • a modest salary a modest salary
      • modest inflation modest inflation
      • helped in my own small way ብናተይ ንእሽቶ መንገዲ ሓጊዘ

      • modest :free from pomp or affectation
        • comfortable but modest cottages ምቹኣት ግን ከኣ ልኡማት ኮቴጅ
        • a simple rectangular brick building ቀሊል ርብዒ-መኣዝን ሕጡብ ህንጻ
        • a simple man with simple tastes ቀሊል ጣዕሚ ዘለዎ ቀሊል ሰብኣይ

        • modest :not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance
          • a modest neckline in her dress covered her up to her collarbone ኣብ ክዳና ዝነበረ ትሑት መስመር ክሳዳ ክሳብ ዓጽሚ መንኵባ ሸፊንዋ ነበረ።

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