English - Tigrinya


  • manufacture :the organized action of making of goods and services for sale
    • American industry is making increased use of computers to control production ኢንዱስትሪ ኣሜሪካ ንፍርያት ንምቁጽጻር ኮምፒዩተራት ዝያዳ ይጥቀም ኣሎ።

    • manufacture :put together out of artificial or natural components or parts
      • the company fabricates plastic chairs እቲ ትካል ፕላስቲክ መንበር ይሰርሕ
      • They manufacture small toys ንኣሽቱ መጻወቲታት የፍርዩ
      • He manufactured a popular cereal ንሱ ህቡብ እኽሊ ኣፍሪዩ።

      • manufacture :the act of making something (a product) from raw materials
        • the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals ምትእኽኻብን ምፍራይን ንጽል ክሪስታላት
        • an improvement in the manufacture of explosives ምምሕያሽ ኣብ ምፍራይ ነታጒ
        • manufacturing is vital to Great Britain ምፍራይ ንዓባይ ብሪጣንያ ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ እዩ።

        • manufacture :produce naturally
          • this gland manufactures a specific substance only እዚ ጽኪ እዚ ፍሉይ ንጥረ ነገር ጥራይ እዩ ዘፍሪ

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