16ቡስጣ busẗa
14ብሓጺን ዝተሰርሐ ክዳን ወይ መከላኸሊ bḧaxin zteserḧe kdan wey mekelaḱeli
13ድርዒ dr'ï
13ደብዳቤታት ናይ ምብጽጻሕ ኣገባብ ወይ ትካል debdabeetat nay mbxxaḧ 'agebab wey tkal
- mail :send via the postal service
- I'll mail you the check tomorrow ጽባሕ እታ ቸክ ብፖስታ ክሰደልካ እየ
- mail :the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office
- the mail handles billions of items every day እቲ ፖስታ መዓልታዊ ብቢልዮናት ኣቑሑት ይሕዝ
- he works for the United States mail service ንሱ ኣብ ኣገልግሎት ፖስታ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ ይሰርሕ
- in England they call mail `the post' ኣብ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ ንፖስታ `እቲ ፖስታ' ይብሉ።
- mail :cause to be directed or transmitted to another place
- send me your latest results send me your latest results
- I'll mail you the paper when it's written እቲ ወረቐት ምስ ተጻሕፈ ብፖስታ ክሰደልካ እየ
- mail :any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered
- your mail is on the table ፖስታኻ ኣብ ጣውላ ኣሎ
- is there any post for me? ንዓይ ዝኸውን ፖስት ኣሎ ድዩ?
- she was opening her post ፖስታ ትኸፍት ነበረት።
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