English - Tigrinya


  • less :(comparative of `little' usually used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree
    • of less importance ውሑድ ኣገዳስነት ዘለዎ
    • less time to spend with the family ምስ ስድራቤት ንምሕላፍ ዝወሓደ ግዜ
    • a shower uses less water ሻወር ውሑድ ማይ ይጥቀም
    • less than three years old ትሕቲ ሰለስተ ዓመት ዝዕድሚኡ

    • less :used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs
      • less interesting ውሑድ መሳጢ
      • less expensive ውሑድ ወጻኢታት
      • less quickly ውሑድ ቅልጡፍ

      • less :(usually preceded by `no') lower in quality
        • no less than perfect ካብ ፍጹም ዝንእስ ኣይኮነን።

        • less :comparative of little
          • she walks less than she should ካብቲ ዝግባእ ንላዕሊ ትኸይድ
          • he works less these days ንሱ ኣብዚ ግዜ እዚ ውሑድ ስራሕ ይሰርሕ

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