18ጠርጠረ ẗerẗere
15ኣብ ሕቶ ኣእተወ 'ab ḧto 'a'ètewe
14ከሰሰ kesese
- impeach :challenge the honesty or veracity of
- the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses እቶም ጠበቓታት ንተኣማንነት እቶም መሰኻኽር ካብ ስልጣኖም ክእለዩ ፈቲኖም
- impeach :charge (a public official) with an offense or misdemeanor committed while in office
- The President was impeached እቲ ፕረዚደንት ካብ ስልጣኑ ተኣልዩ።
- impeach :bring an accusation against; level a charge against
- The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse እቶም ጎረባብቲ ነቲ ሰብኣይ ብመጻምድቱ ብዝፈጸሞ ግህሰት ከሲሶሞ
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