English - Tigrinya


  • gush :a sudden rapid flow (as of water)
    • he heard the flush of a toilet ምፍሳስ ሽቓቕ ሰምዐ
    • there was a little gush of blood ቁሩብ ምፍሳስ ደም ተሰምዐ
    • she attacked him with an outpouring of words ብዘረባ እናፈሰሰት ኣጥቅዓቶ

    • gush :gush forth in a sudden stream or jet
      • water gushed forth ማይ ፈሰሰ

      • gush :praise enthusiastically
        • She raved about that new restaurant ብዛዕባ እታ ሓዳስ ቤት መግቢ ትዛረብ ነበረት።

        • gush :issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth
          • Water jetted forth ማይ ንቕድሚት ተዘርጊሑ
          • flames were jetting out of the building ሃልሃልታ ካብቲ ህንጻ ይወጽእ ነበረ።

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