English - Tigrinya


  • device :an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
    • the device is small enough to wear on your wrist እቲ መሳርሒ ንእሽቶ እዩ ኣብ ኢድካ ክትለብሶ
    • a device intended to conserve water ማይ ንምዕቃብ ዝዓለመ መሳርሒ

    • device :any clever maneuver
      • he would stoop to any device to win a point ነጥቢ ንምዕዋት ናብ ዝኾነ መሳርሒ ይምብርከኽ
      • it was a great sales gimmick ዓቢ ናይ መሸጣ ምትላል እዩ ነይሩ
      • a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen ንስሱዓት ነጋዶ ርካሽ ናይ ምልላይ ምትላል እዩ ነይሩ።

      • device :an emblematic design (especially in heraldry)
        • he was recognized by the device on his shield በቲ ኣብ ዋልታኡ ዝነበረ መሳርሒ ተለለየ

        • device :something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect

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