15ብቐረባ bq̈ereba
- closely :in a close relation or position in time or space
- the onsets were closely timed the onsets were closely timed
- houses set closely together houses set closely together
- was closely involved in monitoring daily progress ኣብ ምክትታል መዓልታዊ ምዕባለ ብቐረባ ይሳተፍ ነይሩ።
- closely :in an attentive manner
- he remained close on his guard ኣብ ሓለዋኡ ብቐረባ ጸንሐ
- closely :in a close manner
- the two phenomena are intimately connected እቶም ክልተ ተርእዮታት ብቐረባ ዝተኣሳሰሩ እዮም
- the person most nearly concerned እቲ ዝያዳ ዝምልከቶ ሰብ
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