English - Tigrinya


  • cleanly :habitually clean
    • cleanly in their persons and habitations ኣብ ኣካላቶምን መነባብሮኦምን ብጽሬት

    • cleanly :smoothly and without difficulty; precisely and deftly
      • the gymnast landed flawlessly እቲ ጂምናስቲክ ብዘይ ገለ መንቅብ ዓለበ
      • she played the piano accompaniment cleanly ንሳ ነቲ ናይ ፒያኖ መሰነይታ ብጽሬት ተጻወተቶ
      • he bounced it cleanly off the wall ንሱ ድማ ብጽሬት ካብ መንደቕ ኣውረዶ

      • cleanly :in a manner that minimizes dirt and pollution
        • the motor burns cleanly እቲ ሞተር ብጽሬት ይቃጸል

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