English - Tigrinya


  • bruise :injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of
    • I bruised my knee ብርከይ ጨፍጨፍኩ

    • bruise :hurt the feelings of
      • She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests ኣብ መንጎ ኣጋይሻ ምስ ዘየእተወትኒ እያ ጎዲኣኒ
      • This remark really bruised my ego እዚ መግለጺ እዚ ብሓቂ ንኢጎይ ኣሕሚቑኒ።

      • bruise :break up into small pieces for food preparation
        • bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them ነቲ ፍረታት ብማንካ ዕንጨይቲ ቆሪጽካ ምፍታሕ

        • bruise :damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure
          • The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them እቲ ዓሚል ነቲ ስትሮቨሪ ብምጭባጥ ቆሪጽዎ።

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