English - Tigrinya


  • blessed :highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace)
    • our blessed land ብሩኽ መሬትና
    • the blessed assurance of a steady income እቲ ዝተባረኸ መረጋገጺ ርጉእ ኣታዊ

    • blessed :worthy of worship
      • the Blessed Trinity ብጹእ ስላሴ

      • blessed :expletives used informally as intensifiers
        • he's a blasted idiot he's a blasted idiot
        • it's a blamed shame it's a blamed shame
        • a blame cold winter a blame cold winter
        • not a blessed dime not a blessed dime
        • I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing ከምዚ ዝበለ ነገር እንተገይረ ክረግም እየ (ወይ ክባረኽ ወይ ክድረር ወይ ርጉም)
        • he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool ) ዓሻ
        • a deuced idiot a deuced idiot
        • an infernal nuisance ገሃነማዊ ጸገም

        • blessed :characterized by happiness and good fortune
          • a blessed time ብሩኽ ግዜ

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