19በቲ beti
15ካብ ጫፍ ናብ ጫፍ kab čaf nab čaf
13ኣብ ንውሓት 'ab nwḧat
1ማዕረ ማዕረ ma'ëre ma'ëre
- along :with a forward motion
- we drove along admiring the view ነቲ ትርኢት እናኣድነቕና መኪናና ተጓዒዝና
- the horse trotted along at a steady pace ፈረስ ብዘይምቁራጽ ናህሪ እናተጓዕዘ
- the circus traveled on to the next city እቲ ሰርከስ ናብታ ዝቕጽል ከተማ ተጓዒዙ
- move along move along
- march on march on
- along :in accompaniment or as a companion
- his little sister came along to the movies ንእሽቶ ሓፍቱ ናብ ፊልም መጺኣ
- I brought my camera along ኣነ ካሜራይ ሒዘ መጺአ
- working along with his father ምስ ኣቡኡ እናሰራሕኩ
- along :to a more advanced state
- the work is moving along እቲ ስራሕ ኣብ መጽናዕቶም ይኸይድ ኣሎ
- well along in their research ጽቡቕ ይኸይድ ኣሎ
- hurrying their education along ትምህርቶም ይጓየዩ
- getting along in years ብዓመታት ይሰማምዑ
- along :in addition (usually followed by `with')
- we sent them food and some clothing went along in the package መግቢ ሰዲድናሎም ገለ ክዳውንቲ ድማ ኣብቲ ዕሹግ ከይዱ
- along with the package came a bill ምስ ዕሹግ ሕሳብ መጺኡ
- consider the advantages along with the disadvantages ብልጫታት ምስቲ ጉድለታት ኣብ ግምት ኣእትውዎ።
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