English - Tigrinya


  • table :a set of data arranged in rows and columns
    • see table 1 ሰሌዳ 1 ርአ

    • table :hold back to a later time
      • let's postpone the exam ፈተና ነሰጋግሮ

      • table :a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs
        • it was a sturdy table ጽኑዕ ጠረጴዛ እዩ ነይሩ።

        • table :a piece of furniture with tableware for a meal laid out on it
          • I reserved a table at my favorite restaurant ኣብቲ ዝፈትዎ ቤት መግቢ መኣዲ ሓዚአ

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