- tight :closely constrained or constricted or constricting
- tight skirts ስጡም ስረ
- he hated tight starched collars ስጡም ስታርች ዘለዎ ኮላር ይጸልእ ነበረ
- fingers closed in a tight fist ኣጻብዕቲ ኣብ ስጡም ምጭብባጥ ተዓጽየን
- a tight feeling in his chest ኣብ ኣፍልቡ ስጡም ስምዒት
- tight :firmly or closely
- held fast to the rope ገመድ ኣጽኒዓ ሒዛ
- her foot was stuck fast እግራ ኣጽኒዓ ተሸኺላ
- held tight ኣጽኒዓ ሒዛ
- tight :pulled or drawn tight
- taut sails taut sails
- a tight drumhead ስጡም ርእሲ ከበሮ
- a tight rope ስጡም ገመድ
- tight :in an attentive manner
- he remained close on his guard ኣብ ሓለዋኡ ብቐረባ ጸንሐ
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