- then :that time; that moment
- we will arrive before then ቅድሚ ሽዑ ክንበጽሕ ኢና
- we were friends from then on ካብ ሽዑ ጀሚርና ኣዕሩኽ ኔርና
- then :at a specific prior time
- the then president እቲ ናይ ሽዑ ፕረዚደንት።
- then :subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors)
- then he left ሽዑ ተበጊሱ
- go left first, then right መጀመርታ ንጸጋም ይኸይድ፣ ድሕሪኡ ንየማን
- first came lightning, then thunder መጀመርታ በርቂ መጸ፣ ድሕሪኡ ነጎዳ
- we watched the late movie and then went to bed እቲ ደንጉዩ ዝመጸ ፊልም ርኢና ድሕሪኡ ዓራት ኣቲና
- and so home and to bed ከምኡ ድማ ገዛን ናብ ዓራትን።
- then :in that case or as a consequence
- if he didn't take it, then who did? እንተዘይወሲዱ መን እዩ?
- keep it then if you want to ዓቂብዎ ሽዑ እንተደሊኻ
- the case, then, is closed እቲ ጉዳይ እምበኣር፡ ተዓጽዩ ኣሎ
- you've made up your mind then? ሽዑ ውሳኔኻ ወሲንካ?
- then you'll be rich ሽዑ ሃብታም ክትከውን ኢኻ።
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