- show :the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining
- a remarkable show of skill ዘደንቕ ምርኢት ክእለት።
- show :give an exhibition of to an interested audience
- She shows her dogs frequently ኣኽላባታ ብተደጋጋሚ ተርእዮ
- We will demo the new software in Washington እቲ ሓድሽ ሶፍትዌር ኣብ ዋሽንግተን ዲሞ ክንገብረሉ ኢና።
- show :something intended to communicate a particular impression
- made a display of strength ናይ ሓይሊ ምርኢት ገይሩ
- a show of impatience ዓቕሊ ጽበት ምርኢት
- a good show of looking interested ጽቡቕ ምርኢት ተገዳስነት ዘለዎ መልክዕ
- show :establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
- The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound እቲ ፈተነ ዘይምርግጋእ ናይቲ ውሁድ ኣርእዩ
- The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture እቲ ናይ ሒሳብ ክኢላ ቅኑዕነት ናይቲ ግምት ኣርእዩ
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