English - Tigrinya


  • oppose :be against; express opposition to
    • We oppose the ban on abortion ነቲ እገዳ ምንጻል ጥንሲ ንቃወሞ

    • oppose :fight against or resist strongly
      • The senator said he would oppose the bill እቲ ሰነተር ነቲ እማመ ክቃወሞ እየ ኢሉ
      • Don't fight it! ኣይትቃለሶ!

      • oppose :set into opposition or rivalry
        • let them match their best athletes against ours ንብሉጻት ኣትሌታቶም ምስ ናትና የመዓራርይዎም
        • pit a chess player against the Russian champion ንሓደ ተጻዋታይ ቸስ ኣንጻር ሻምፕዮን ሩስያ ይገጥሞም
        • He plays his two children off against each other ንኽልተ ደቁ ኣብ ነንሕድሕዶም ይጻወቶም

        • oppose :act against or in opposition to
          • She reacts negatively to everything I say ኣብ ኩሉ ዝብሎ ኣሉታዊ ግብረ መልሲ እያ ትህብ

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