18ሕጋዊ ፍቓድ ḧgawi fq̈ad
13ሕጋዊ ፍቓድ ወረቐት ሃበ ḧgawi fq̈ad wereq̈et habe
- license :authorize officially
- I am licensed to practice law in this state ኣብዚ ግዝኣት ሕጊ ክሰርሕ ፍቓድ ኣለኒ።
- license :excessive freedom; lack of due restraint
- when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near ሓርነት ፍቓድ ምስ ኮነ ምልኪ ይቐርብ
- the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum ጋዜጣታት ዝጥሕሳሉ ዘይጽወር ፍቓድ...ሕግታት ስነ-ምግባር
- license :a legal document giving official permission to do something
- license :freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behavior or speech)
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