15ተጸማቚ texemaq̈Wi
14ብዝሒ ፈሳሲ ዘለዎ ጁክ bzḧi fesasi zelewo ĵuk
0ኣወናዋኒ 'awenawani
-2ምስድማም msdmam
- juicy :having strong sexual appeal
- juicy barmaids juicy barmaids
- a red-hot mama ቀይሕ ውዑይ ማማ
- a voluptuous woman ስጋዊ ርክብ ዝመልኣ ሰበይቲ
- a toothsome blonde in a tight dress ስጡም ክዳን ዝለበሰት ስኒ ዘለዋ ጸላም ቆርበት ዘለዋ
- juicy :lucrative
- a juicy contract ጽማቝ ውዕል
- a nice fat job ጽቡቕ ስብሒ ስራሕ
- juicy :suggestive of sexual impropriety
- a blue movie ሰማያዊ ፊልም
- blue jokes ሰማያዊ ዋዛታት
- he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details ኮኾብ ዘሊሉ ነቲ gamy ዝርዝራት ይህበካ
- a juicy scandal a juicy scandal
- a naughty wink a naughty wink
- naughty words naughty words
- racy anecdotes racy anecdotes
- a risque story a risque story
- spicy gossip spicy gossip
- juicy :full of juice
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