English - Tigrinya


  • grade :a body of students who are taught together
    • early morning classes are always sleepy ንግሆ ንግሆ ዝወሃብ ትምህርቲ ኩሉ ግዜ ድቃስ ዝመልኦ እዩ።

    • grade :assign a rank or rating to
      • how would you rank these students? how would you rank these students?
      • The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide እቲ ቤት መግቢ ኣብ መምርሒ መግቢ ልዑል ደረጃ ተዋሂብዎ ኣሎ።

      • grade :a relative position or degree of value in a graded group
        • lumber of the highest grade ዝለዓለ ደረጃ ዘለዎ ዕንጨይቲ

        • grade :the gradient of a slope or road or other surface
          • the road had a steep grade እቲ ጽርግያ ቁልቁል ዝኣፉ ደረጃ ነይርዎ።

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