- fancy :something many people believe that is false
- they have the illusion that I am very wealthy ኣነ ኣዝየ ሃብታም እየ ዝብል ምትላል ኣለዎም።
- fancy :imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
- I can't see him on horseback! ኣብ ፈረስ ተሰቒሉ ክርእዮ ኣይክእልን እየ!
- I can see what will happen እንታይ ከም ዝኸውን ይርኢ ኣለኹ
- I can see a risk in this strategy ኣብዚ ስትራተጂ ሓደጋ ይርኢ ኣለኹ
- fancy :not plain; decorative or ornamented
- fancy handwriting ፋንሳዊ ጽሑፍ ኢድ
- fancy clothes ፋንሳዊ ክዳውንቲ
- fancy :imagination or fantasy; held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than true imagination
- never had the wildest flights of fancy imagined such magnificence እቶም ዝደኸሙ በረራታት ፋንሳውያን ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ዕቤት ኣብ ኣእምሮኦም ሓሲቦም ኣይፈልጡን።
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