English - Tigrinya


  • earthy :conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
    • coarse language ረጒድ ቋንቋ
    • a crude joke ድኻም ዋዛ
    • crude behavior ድኻም ባህሪ
    • an earthy sense of humor መሬታዊ ስነ-ስርዓት ዋዛ
    • a revoltingly gross expletive ዓመጽ ዝመልኦ ድኹም ጸርፊ
    • a vulgar gesture ጽዩፍ ምልክት
    • full of language so vulgar it should have been edited ብቋንቋ ዝመልአ ክሳብ ክንድዚ ጽዩፍ ክእረም ነይርዎ።

    • earthy :not far removed from or suggestive of nature
      • the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow እቲ መሬታዊ ጣዕሚ ውዑይ ጸባ ፍሩይ ካብ ላም
      • earthy smells of new-mown grass መሬታዊ ጨናታት ሓድሽ ዝተቖርጸ ሳዕሪ

      • earthy :hearty and lusty
        • an earthy enjoyment of life መሬታዊ ባህታ ህይወት እዩ።

        • earthy :of or consisting of or resembling earth
          • it had an earthy smell መሬታዊ ጨና ነይርዎ
          • only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean ንእሽቶ መሬታዊ ባንክ ጥራይ እዩ ካብ ወሰን ውቅያኖስ ዝፈልየኒ።

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