25ተዓጻፊ te'äxafi
15ክቐጥን ወይ ናይ ስልኪ ቅርጺ ክሕዝ ዝኽእል ብረት kq̈eẗn wey nay slki qrxi kḧz zḱ'èl bret
14ልምሉል lmlul
- ductile :capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
- ductile copper ductile copper
- malleable metals such as gold malleable metals such as gold
- they soaked the leather to made it pliable ንቆርበት ምልጣፍ ንኽገብሮ ኣጥለቕዎ
- pliant molten glass pliant molten glass
- made of highly tensile steel alloy ካብ ኣዝዩ ስሕበት ዘለዎ ሓጺን ቅይሕ ዝተሰርሐ
- ductile :easily influenced
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