English - Tigrinya


  • atrocious :shockingly brutal or cruel
    • murder is an atrocious crime ቅትለት ኣሰቃቒ ገበን እዩ
    • a grievous offense against morality ኣዝዩ ከቢድ ገበን ኣንጻር ሞራል
    • a grievous crime ከቢድ ገበን
    • no excess was too monstrous for them to commit ዝኾነ ልዕሊ ዓቐን ንኽፍጽምዎ ኣዝዩ ኣሰቃቒ ኣይነበረን።

    • atrocious :exceptionally bad or displeasing
      • atrocious taste atrocious taste
      • abominable workmanship abominable workmanship
      • an awful voice ኣዝዩ ዘስካሕክሕ ድምጺ
      • dreadful manners ዘስካሕክሕ ስነ-ምግባር
      • a painful performance ዘሕምም ምርኢት
      • terrible handwriting ዘስካሕክሕ ጽሑፍ ኢድ
      • an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room ዘይዝረብ ጨና ናብቲ ክፍሊ እናሰሓበ መጸ

      • atrocious :provoking horror
        • an atrocious automobile accident ኣሰቃቒ ሓደጋ መኪና
        • a frightful crime of decapitation ዘፍርሕ ገበን ምቑራጽ ርእሲ
        • an alarming, even horrifying, picture ዘሰክፍ፡ ዋላ ዘስካሕክሕ ስእሊ
        • war is beyond all words horrible ኲናት ኪኖ ኩሉ ቃላት ዘስካሕክሕ
        • an ugly wound ጽዩፍ ቁስሊ እዩ።

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