16ቅጽበታዊ ብርቱዕ qxbetawi brtu'ë
16ክሩር krur
15ንሱር nsur
12በሊሕ beliḧ
- acute :having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course
- acute appendicitis acute appendicitis
- the acute phase of the illness ሕዱር ምዕራፍ ናይቲ ሕማም
- acute patients ሕዱር ሕሙማት
- acute :extremely sharp or severe
- acute pain acute pain
- felt acute annoyance acute annoyance
- intense itching and burning ጽዑቕ ምሕርቃምን ምንዳድን ተሰሚዑኒ።
- acute :having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
- an acute observer of politics and politicians ንፖለቲካን ፖለቲከኛታትን ጽዑቕ ተዓዛቢ
- incisive comments ቆራጺ ርእይቶታት
- icy knifelike reasoning በረድ ዝመስል ካራ ዝመስል ምኽንያት
- as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang ከም ውቅዒት መንካዕ በሊሕን ቆራሪጹን
- penetrating insight ስሉጥ ርድኢት
- frequent penetrative observations ተደጋጋሚ ስሉጥ ትዕዝብቲ
- acute :of critical importance and consequence
- an acute (or critical) lack of research funds ጽዑቕ (ወይ ወሳኒ) ሕጽረት ገንዘብ ምርምር
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