21ስለዚ slezi
13በዚ ምኽንያት'ዚ bezi mḱnyatzi
13በዚ መሰረት'ዚ bezi meseretzi
- accordingly :(sentence connectors) because of the reason given
- consequently, he didn't do it ከም ሳዕቤኑ ድማ ኣይገበሮን
- continued to have severe headaches and accordingly returned to the doctor ከቢድ ሕማም ርእሲ ቀጺሉ በዚ መሰረት ድማ ናብ ሓኪም ተመልሰ
- accordingly :in accordance with
- she acted accordingly ብኡ መሰረት ድማ ተዋሲኣ
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