- abject :of the most contemptible kind
- abject cowardice abject cowardice
- a low stunt to pull ትሑት ስቱንት ንምስሓብ
- a low-down sneak ትሑት ንታሕቲ ስሒብ
- his miserable treatment of his family ኣብ ልዕሊ ስድርኡ ዝገበሮ ሕሱም ኣተሓሕዛ
- You miserable skunk! ኣንታ ሕሱም ስኩንክ!
- a scummy rabble ስኩሚ ራብል
- a scurvy trick ስኩርቪ ብልሓት
- abject :most unfortunate or miserable
- the most abject slaves joined in the revolt እቶም ኣዝዮም ጽዩፋት ባሮት ኣብቲ ናዕቢ ተጸንበሩ
- abject poverty abject poverty
- abject :showing utter resignation or hopelessness
- abject surrender ጽዩፍ ኢድካ ምሃብ
- abject :showing humiliation or submissiveness
- an abject apology ጽዩፍ ይቕሬታ ምሕታት
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