- key :serving as an essential component
- a cardinal rule ካርዲናል ሕጊ
- the central cause of the problem ማእከላይ ጠንቂ ናይቲ ጸገም
- an example that was fundamental to the argument ንሞጎት መሰረታዊ ዝነበረ ኣብነት
- computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure ኮምፒዩተራት ንዘመናዊ ኢንዱስትርያዊ ኣቃውማ መሰረታዊ እየን።
- key :something crucial for explaining
- the key to development is economic integration እቲ ቁልፊ ልምዓት ቁጠባዊ ውህደት እዩ።
- key :provide with a key
- We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building ኣብቲ ህንጻ መዕጸዊ ምስ ተቐየረ መፍትሕ ተገይሩልና
- key :pitch of the voice
- he spoke in a low key ብምባል ብትሑት ድምጺ ተዛረበ
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